Pacific Can-Am Zone Meet
Kelso, WA     August 28 - 30,  2015
Report and Division Signs by Chuck Tubens, Zone Meet Chair

6. GT Hawks
1962 – 1964
Brent Hagen
4. C K Coupes
1953 – 1955
Brent Hagen
2. Post War Sedans, Coupes and Convertibles
1947 – 1952
Olson’s Gaskets
12. Custom & Modified Studebaker powered
Jerry Blount
5. Hawk Type
1956 – 1961
Lynn Fletcher
Thank you, Division Trophy Sponsors!
8. Avanti
1963 – 1964
Lou Cote,
Club Avanti Northwest

The N.W. Chapter wishes to sincerely thank everybody who attended the August 2015 Can-Am Zone Meet. On Friday, the Studebaker faithful came to Kelso, Washington. The swap meet was “on” and there were a lot of vendors, with ample wares to be had. The Friday afternoon cruise to Stuffies, a 50’s diner was great, as the Studebaker crowd mixed well with the local car cruisers from 3-7 pm.

The Friday Night Ice Cream Social began at 7pm and ran until 10pm. We had an excellent slide show of 800+ pics from car shows, Zone Meets, NW Overdrives, International Meets and National Meets in Australia and New Zealand. Lots of people, their cars and scenery. A good time was had by all of the 155 participants who attended.

On Saturday, the show field was a circular pattern held in the park. With participant choice judging, the people were free to mill about and have fun. We had 2 “teen’s” cars that had their original trans axles. Yes, that’s right! Trans axles are NOT a new thing and Studebaker did it 100 years ago, along with electric cars and trucks preceding them 110 years ago! 65 vehicles made it to the show field with another 10 or so at the meet hotel. The Hospitality Room was in full swing after the show ended at 3pm. Good job to the crew there.

The weather was a tad blustery and the projected rain (1 and 1/2” to 2”) never amounted to much, but may have kept some of our fellow Studebaker friends away.

The banquet started at 6pm with Happy Hour and our slide show. Dinners were delivered promptly and then shortly after dessert, the raffle and auction happened. A South Bend pocket watch fetched $225. The Awards presentation was beautifully done with winners’ names and cars on the big screen. Long distance awards, Canadian and U.S. were put up with the Hard Luck winner getting a lamp trophy. 165 Studebaker fans attended.

Sunday morn the tour started and up we went to view Mt. St. Helens, only partially Obscured by Clouds (P.F). Then we went down to the Bluffs for a tasty bite at the Lodge and on to motor home.

Thank you to everyone for coming, and hope you had a good time at your Zone Meet.

3. Sedans and Wagons 1953 – 1958
Lynn Fletcher
9. Avanti
1965 and up
Lou Cote,
Club Avanti Northwest
11. Packards All Years
Keith Reno
14. EMF – Pierce Arrow
Erskine - Rockne
Bert Boehm
1. PreWar 1904-1946
Olson’s Gaskets
7. Lark Type
1959 – 1966
Jerry Blount
10. Trucks All Years
Bert Boehm
13. Custom & Modified Non–Studebaker powered
Ed Holbrook

This page posted 9 November 2015

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