Studebaker Drivers Club, Northwest Chapter
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2015 Can-Am
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August 24, 2024 – The 30th Cutsforth’s Canby Cruise In

Article and Photos Contributed by Dana Scott

I never had the pleasure of meeting Frank Cutsforth face to face, I only spoke with him on the phone a few times in connection with our club’s participation in the event which bears his name. Nonetheless, I came to appreciate his dedication and graciousness and was deeply saddened to learn of his demise last November. I’m not sure how many Canby Cruise Ins I’ve been to now, I guess I could count the T shirts in my drawer that I wear so regularly. But since our chapter stopped putting on our own Orphan Show, this has become my favorite automotive event of the year for a variety of reasons. It takes a little work to stake out our usual space on 2nd, but the show’s organization makes that easy peasy compared to putting on your own show (that’s to Dave Muck for returning to his usual role as our point person). It’s a pleasant setting centering on Wait Park in downtown Canby, a vibrant smaller community. It draws a large number of cars, they set a limit at 750 or so I heard. And every year I see something I’ve never seen before and I’ve been to a lot of car shows and museums over the decades. There were 19 Studebakers, stock and modified including Larks, Hawks, sedans, coupes, a station wagon, pre-WWII, Avantis, and trucks. Mostly from our chapter but by no means all. Congratulations to Sandra Somarakis whose 1964 Daytona won the Studebaker Drivers Club Award, Keith Eide whose ’51 Commander won an award from Weston Kia, to William Cozart whose ’57 Golden Hawk won the Cutsforth Market Award, and to Brent Marlatt whose 1930 Studebaker won an award from the Backstop Bar & Grill. All fully deserved and daily drivers like mine were welcome too.
But even better than the cars, was the chance to talk cars with our members, car owners from other clubs or no club, and members of the general public. I was happy to buy another T shirt at the event, commemorating Frank Cutsforth and the 30th anniversary of the event he started. I hope that his family and organization will continue this great tradition far into the future.

Click on the images to see larger versions.



Pacific Can-Am Zone Meet Kamloops, BC, Canada June 21 and 22, 2024, Hosted by the BC Southern Interior Chapter SDC

Article and Photos Contributed by Dana Scott

I’ve been through Kamloops, BC many times on the way to and from Saskatchewan, but this was the first time I’d had an opportunity to spend any time there since I’m usually there in the middle of a travel day. It’s a beautiful smaller city at the confluence of the North and South Thompson Rivers. Our hosts, the BC Southern Interior Chapter, chose a venue that afforded a fine view of the river valley as well as providing suitable accommodation for their event. We mostly stayed right there at the hotel, but we did get to drive around a bit and have a bite in the old downtown Saturday.

Kamloops has grown by leaps and bound in the last 50 years or so.

About 40 Studebakers showed up and filled the hotel’s side lot, ranging all the way from WWI era to post-Studebaker Avantis, with plenty of trucks and Larks and Hawks, most of which I’d never seen before (this was my second Zone Meet in Canada, after the last zone meeting in Calgary). But the best part of any auto event is not the cars, it’s the people.

Brenda and I and chapter member Allan Johnston had a chance to talk with many friends, old and new. We talked of many things, but I did slip in a bit about plans for our 2025 Zone Meet and got positive responses across the board, with many saying they would definitely be there. The awards dinner was held in a facility directly across the parking lot and Allan and I said a few words about the 2025 Zone Meet.

Aside from a minor snafu with running out of entrees, which was soon remedied by the addition of Chinese food, the only thing that was less than optimal was using trivia questions to determine which table got to get food from the buffet next. Since many members knew the answers (naturally), there was some confusion about who answered first. Buffets can be tricky and I’m sure we will discuss this at the planning committee. But overall, it was a great Zone Meet and I’m very glad that Brenda, Frances, and I were able to attend on our way to Saskatoon. And I thought their T-shirts were very striking, I’ll have to resist wearing it all the time.


Crab ‘n Cluck and January 2024 Business Meeting

One of our longstanding annual events, the Crab 'n' Cluck feast was held this year on January 21st in conjunction with our monthly business meeting at the Stamp Collectors Building.  It was touch and go in the week leading up to it, but the snow and ice finally cleared enough to allow 29 (by my count) of us to gather and enjoy each other's company and a feast of crab and chicken subsidized by the chapter as well as a variety of delicious side dishes and desserts supplied by the attendees. An item which attracted much interest and positive comments was the collection of (empty) beer cans from the Studebaker Brewing Company which operates a brewpub in Tippecanoe Place in South Bend.  Each variety of beer or ale is named after and features a picture of a different Studebaker model.  Minutes from the meeting will be in the newsletter.


SDC-NW Christmas Party, December 2, 2023

Folks started to arrive at Libbie's just bout 2:00. we had a total of 23 attend. Randy Lorence, Jerry Blount, Ed Reynolds, Brenda & Dana Scott, Bob Maker, Larry & Mary Schnell, Bob Williams & Joanna Marks, Susan Prescott, Maureen Jondahl, Dave & Shelia Muck, Lori Muller, Tom Hart, John Berg, Janet Eddy, Angela & Winston Sandino, Jay & Suzie Bouse, Steve Oneil. The roar of the crowd was silenced with the serving of the food. Jerry Blount stepped in as Santa Claus and the gifts were handed out. I failed to make a trip to the parking lot to get pictures of the Studebakers in attendance, but per the sign in sheet we had 5 total, 64 Wagonaire, 63 Avanti, 63 R2 Avanti, Commander and a 64 GT Hawk. Other than the waitress missing Jan Eddy's dinner the event was a wonderful success...

Click on any picture to see it bigger.


Planning meeting for 2024, November 5, 2023

By Dana Scott
Our annual Planning Meeting was held at Libbie's in downtown Milwaukie on November 5th,  A productive meeting with 14 in attendance and lots of ideas new and old for next year's calendar.  Some were nailed down and some were left open.  More anon but first up will be the Crab 'n Cluck at the Stamp Collectors Building in combination with the January regular business meeting in response to those who wanted something to make the monthly meetings more interesting.  Food and service were exemplary and we look forward to seeing you there at the Holiday Party in a month, 11056 SE Main 2pm 12/3/2023.

Cutsforth's Canby Cruise-In, August 27, 2022

By David Muck
We had a great cruise in.  The weather was great and over six hundred cars turned out.  Lots of people and good times.  Our club had a nice turn out with six people showing their cars.   Dave and Jan Vandervort 1954 Regal Commander, Dana and Brenda Scott 1962 Cruiser, Chuck Tubens 1965 Station Wagon, Phil Peter 1965 Daytona, Jay and Susan Bouse 1963 Avanti, and David Muck family and friends 1951 Starlight Coupe.   The Dave Muck Studerbaker award was won by Dave and Jan Vandervort and presented by Dave Muck.  It was a much deserving award for all their work and time put into their beautiful 1954 Studebaker.  There were a few other Studerbakers that showed up but that were not club members.  1955 Studebaker Speedster, 1951 Commander four door sedan, and a 1950 Studebker four door Land cruiser.  It was a great time and a great show.





Grist Mill Tour, June 4, 2022

By David Muck
We had the Grist Mill tour on Saturday June 4th.  The turn out was light but overall we had a good time and the weather cooperated.  All the people that attended drove brand X cars.  I think everyone was concerned about the weather.  This is a list of the people that attended.  Murl Jones, Sue Kerslake, Jerry Blount, Tom Hart, Bob Maker, Bill & Carla Barnell and Dave & Sheila Muck.  We met at the Gee Creek rest stop on I-5 then drove to La Center Washington and had lunch at the El Rancho restaurant.  After lunch we toured to the Grist Mill.  It's very interesting to see how flour was made in the late 1800's and early 1900's.  They were operating the mill and demonstrating the operation of the mill using waterpower for their operation.  I would say overall it was a good tour and I feel the group enjoyed it.

Click on any of these images to see a larger version.


NW Chapter, SDC Christmas Party, December 5, 2021

Club members gathered at the Peachtree Restaurant and Pie House in Vancouver, Washington for our annual Christmas party. (There was no party in 2020 due to COVID.) The event lasted from 2:00pm to approximately 4:30pm when the last members trickled out. We enjoyed food from the restaurant, followed by a secret gift exchange, and lots of good conversation.

Those attending were: Chuck Tubens, Dave & Sheila Muck, Rodger & Jan Eddy, Sue Tsay, Angela & Winston Sandino, Mary & Larry Schnell, Rem Wilson, Susan Prescott, Maureen Jondahl, Dana & Brenda Ray Scott, Ed Sallia, Murl Jones, Tom Hart, Willa & Phil Gaffney, Jerry Blount, Pat Kagi, Ed Reynolds, Randy Lorence, Ron DeShazer, and Jennifer Arnold. (Sorry, if we missed anyone’s name that was there – please let me know and I will update the information, but our attendance taking process was very informal and partially by memory.)

Photos are courtesy of Phil and Willa Gaffney (click on pic to see larger version)


Tour of SE Portland and the suburbs, June 19, 2021

submitted by Phil Peters

On Saturday morning we gathered in the parking lot of the Fred Meyer  on 82nd and Johnson Creek Road. The weather was overcast and in the '50's but soon got sunny and nice.

Those participating in this tour were as follows:

Bob & Sherry Meyer '64 Cruiser
Bob Maker    '58 Packard
Chuck Tubens  '65 Wagonaire
Jay & Susan Bouse  '63 Avanti
Dana Scott  '62 Cruiser
Phil & Jane Peters '65 Daytona
Travis & Tiffany Quarles,                
         Merrick & Tilly
'71 Duster
Tom Hart Brand M
Jerry Blount Brand T
Al Johnston ’62 Cruiser

We had a leisurely 20+ mile tour through neighborhoods in Milwaukie, Gladstone, Westmoreland, Eastmoreland with a photo stop at an old restored Flying A Service Station in Gladstone. We ended our tour in Milwaukie at Mike's Drive In for lunch.

Thank you to everyone who joined us today.

Click on any picture to see a larger version.


Car lineup

International Drive Your Studebaker Day, September 12, 2020

Submitted by Keith Reno

Even though 2020 hasn't been a good year for us car enthusiasts we still managed to participate in the 2020 International Drive Your Studebaker Day. I'd like to thank all the Studebaker owners that braved the threat of covid-19, government mandated social distancing, and of course the wildfire smoke that blanketed the northwest for several days, for coming out to join our rolling car show. Despite the unfavorable circumstances of the day we left the Gee Creek rest area about 11:00 on our way to the Rush road intersection at exit 72 on I-5 and the McDonalds parking lot, hoping to meet with other Stude owners looking to show off their cool cars. I led the group in my 53 commander hardtop followed by Bill Barnell and Murl Jones in Bills 56 Skyhawk, Rem Wilson with his 62 Gran Turisimo, Brent and Mark Hagan in their 63 Wagonaire "Honey", Chuck  Tubens driving his 66  "Copper Penny" and Kathy Reno in her new to her 07 Pontiac Solstice. Since we had a rather small caravan and little chance for separation I opted to take a side excursion  through the recently renovated Kalama Waterfront and returning to the interstate a few miles later. We continued north at our leisurely pace acknowledging the Thumbs Up from the passerbys along the way. Approximately 12:45 we arrived at our destination in hopes of being greeted by other Studebaker owners. But at our dismay there were none. After an hour or so of conversation we headed to the Rush road, up through Napavine and headed south via the two lane blacktop of Military road and the Westside Hiway. In conclusion I have one more thing to say. " Take that 2020! You can't keep a good Stude down!"

Click on any picture to see a larger version.
4 cars lineup Bronze Lark Wagonaire
Murl and beard pink shirt guys wave
Yellow Hawk Lot shot Red Hawk

AVanti Chandler

Columbia City Drive, August 22, 2020

The group met up with Chuck Tubens at the McDonalds in NW Yeon Ave. at 9:30AM and left at 10:00 along Hwy 30 to Sauvie Island. They made the scenic loop around the island's parameter (keeping an eye out for bicyclists and low-flying birds) without any stops before continuing on to Scappoose, Oregon. In Scappoose the group stopped at the Scappoose Farmer's Market for a break to check out the market. Next, they continued north to Columbia City, Oregon, to an attractive city park (Pixie Park) with Columbia river views (located at 1816 The Strand, Columbia City, OR 9701). While at the park, members enjoyed a chance to relax and enjoy the views while catching up with the other NW SDC members (of course following appropriate social distancing and mask requirements).Please bring your own food and beverages to enjoy in the park. (Photos by Phil Peters.


parking lot


Cutsforth Canby

2020 Canby Cutsforth Cruise-In

By Dave Muck
The Canby Cruise In was a very big success.  The weather was beautiful and the crowd was large and everybody including the cars did social distancing.  We had close to 500 cars to be displayed.  The show cars started to come in before 6:00am to be on the field by 9:00am.  Then at 9:00 the public was allowed to view the cars by driving by.  There was a steady stream of cars from 9:00am until the show was over at 1:00pm.  The Studebaker Drivers Club had a good turnout.  These are the members that showed their cars:

Chuck Tubens              1962 Lark
Jerry Andrews              1950 Champion
Phil & Jane Peters       1965 Daytona
Sue Kerslake                1955 Champion
Murl Jones                   1955 Champion

Rem Wilson               1962 GT Hawk
Tom Gingerich           1950 Land Cruiser
Dave & Sheila Muck    1963 GT Hawk
Steven Hudson          240-Z Datsun

All of the people that displayed their cars received a goody bag.  There were awards given out.  This was done a little different this year keeping social distancing in mind.  The award sponsor selected  the vehicle they wanted their award to go to  and brought the award to them.  I was one of the people that was selected to receive an award for my GT Hawk.  I would say from the turnout of the cars displayed and the people viewing the cars  tells you people are looking forward to getting out and showing their cars again.  Overall it was a very good show and a very good day.  


Click on any photo to see a larger version.  
03 05
07 09
01 11
Canby Ferry

Let’s Get Out and Drive Tour – Saturday, 7/25/20

By Phil Peters
Our tour started on Saturday morning at the Monarch Hotel in Clackamas. The weather was cool in the morning and warmed to about 80 degrees. Since this was our first tour since early 2020, we had a great turnout.  15 Studebakers, 1 motorhome, 1 motorcycle, and 2 modern vehicles joined the drive.  We split into 2 groups to accommodate the size, with Phil and Jane Peters leading the first group and Dave and Sheila Muck leading the second group.

Everyone did a great job of social distancing and wearing masks.  Due to our group size of 30 people, the decision was made not to stop at the Willamette Falls overlook.  The first stop was Mollala Park for a rest break and then on to the Canby Ferry.  On the other side of the ferry we regrouped and drove by ostriches, llamas, and alpacas, drove through the countryside, and arrived at the Sonic Drive In for lunch.

After lunch, we drove back through Wilsonville, over Pete’s Mountain, through the town of Willamette, over the Oregon City bridge, and back through Gladstone to the Monarch Hotel.

Everyone seemed to have a great time and most were anxious to get out in their Studebakers.  As a matter of fact, some were so anxious, that 4 times when the main tour reached a certain stop or turn, some had already arrived!

Those enjoying the tour were as follows:

Ken Roberts & Toni                -’63 Avanti
Dana Scott                            -’62 Cruiser
Phil & Jane Peters                -’65 Daytona
Jerry Blount                             - Roadtex
Chuck Tubens,
Roger & Jan Eddy             -’66 Daytona
Ed Sallia                               -’55 President
Keith & Kathy Reno            -’53 Commander
Dave & Sheila Muck            -’64 GT
Dave McClean                     -’97 Miata
  Jay & Susan Bouse              -’63 Avanti
Jerry Andrews                    -’50 Champion
Scott Hancock         -’98 Harley Davidson
Rem & Sherrie Wilson              -’62 Hawk
Brent Hagen & son       -’63 Wagonaire
Allan & Robert Johnston -’62 Convertible
Jason Barnett &
Danielle Luburg -’59 Lark
Tom Hart                                        -Brand X
Bob Maker        -’58 Studebaker-Packard
John Berg                                   -’62 Hawk

All the cars ran fine and the only mishap was Jerry Andrews ’50 experiencing some vapor locking at the very end of the tour as we pulled into the hotel area.  
Click on the photos to see larger versions.

Monarch Lineup
Country Lineup
Canby Ferry
Sonic Lineup Sunny
Sonic Shade


Christmas Party at Bomber

SDC-NW Annual Christmas Party, December 8, 2019

This year the annual Christmas party for the SDC-NW was held at the Bomber restaurant in Milwaukee.  We were well represented with 25 members attending as well as a number of Studebakers in the parking lot.

New members, Ron Deshazer and Clairannette Spicer came from Vancouver in their new to them ’54 Studebaker truck with Chevy power train.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the company, food and gift exchange.  We were only told to quiet down twice by management!

Those in attendance were as follows:

1)        Bob Williams
2)        Jennifer Arnold and Hanns Haefker
3)        Lynn Holbrook
4)        Murl Jones and Sue Kerslake
5)        Jerry Blount
6)        Phil and Willa Gaffney
7)        Winton and Maureen Jondahl
8)        Bob Maker
9)        Susan Prescott
10)      Brent Hagen
11)      John Berg
12)      Tom Hart
13)      Steve O’Neal
14)      Bert Boehm and Richard Glenn
15)      Ed and Jo Anne Sallia
16)      Ron Deshazer and Clairannette Spicer
17)      Phil and Jane Peters
Xmas Party 2019 Xmas Party 2019 Xmas Party 2019
Photos are by Ed Sallia • Click on pics to see them full-size


Kids Car

14th Annual Portland International Raceway Beaches Cruise In
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Click on any of the pictures to see a larger version.

This year we were blessed with temperatures in the low to mid ’70’s with partially cloudy skies, perfect weather for our 14th annual Beaches Cruise In as the featured car club.  We had 23 Studebakers and 1 Packard with 40+ people at our location.

In addition, two of the show winners were Studebakers from our group.  Al Johnston won with his 1916 Buddy Roadster and Rem Wilson, a prospective new member won with his red 1962 Hawk.  They were featured with other winners in front of the band and interviewed about their cars.

Those in attendance were as follows:

1)      Keith & Kathy Reno
2)      Richard Glenn & Bert Boehm
3)      Ron ?
4)      Sue Kerslake
5)      Al Johnston
6)      Chuck Tubens
7)      Rem Wilson
8)      Phil & Jane Peters
9)      Dave Muck
10)    Jerry Andrews 
11)    Murl Jones
12)    Neil & Terrie Stone
13)    Steve & Joe Fisher
14)    Ed Salia
15)    Bill & Carla Barnell
16)    Tom Prescott
17)    ?
18)    Bob Jones
19)    Larry Studebaker
20)    Mark & Kathy Thompson 
21)    Hugh Studebaker
22)    Dave & Terri Dawson 
23)    ?

’53 Commander
’47 M5
’53 Commander
’60 Lark
’62 Lark Convertible
’16 Buddy Roadster
’59 Lark
’62 Hawk
’65 Daytona
’64 Hawk
’50 Cruiser
’55 President
’57 Golden Hawk
’53 Packard
’55 President
’56 Skyhawk
’63 Avanti
’50 Truck
’62 Gran Turismo
’63 Avanti
’50 Commander
’53 Commander
’50 Commander
’58 Hawk

The usual eighth mile drag races were being held at the same time. However, prior to that, a number of Indy cars were practicing for the upcoming Grand Prix of Portland, which was really exciting as they were coming quickly around the corners and hitting high speeds on the straight track.  It was noisy but thrilling to watch.

It was interesting to note that of the 23 owners of cars in attendance, 14 are members of our local club while 9 are not.  In talking with them, most of these non-members said they were members of the National SDC.  We may have some new member possibilities in this group.

2856 2850 2849 2844
Winners Circle

Studebaker Driver Club Pacific Can Am Zone Meet, July 5-7, 2019 

Click on the picture at left to see a larger version of the winner's circle.

By Dave Muck
The zone meet was held in Bellingham Washington this year on July 5th to the 7th.   It was hosted by the Whatcom County SDC chapter and North Puget Sound SDC chapter.  The weather was beautiful, blue skies and sunshine.   The meet was very well organized  with a good turn-­‐out.    Lots of people from Canada and the Northwest.   Friday night we all toured together to a hamburger place where there was a cruise in and you could get a  sandwich and a drink.   Saturday started the car show.   I did not count the cars but I am thinking somewhere between sixty and eighty cars.  So many beautiful Studebakers.   There was a nice turn-­‐out for the swap meet and vendors selling their parts.  The hospitality suite had lots of goodies to snack on and some of the silent auction items you could bid on.  On Saturday at the car  display  lunch  was  offered  for  five  dollars.    That  made  it very nice, as you did not need to leave to go get lunch.  The banquet  was held at a golf course  close  by and was a buffet dinner with many items to choose from.  All of the food was delicious and a nice selection of desserts.      There was a presentation put on about prohibition.  It was very interesting.  Then dinner and the presentation of awards and finished with the  silent  auction.    We  were  all  invited  to  go  by  the  Bell’s museum  and  diner  on  the  way  home  on  Sunday.    The  N.W. chapter had a light turn out of people.  Chuck Tubens and Anna, Brent  Hagen  and  his  boys,    Sue  Kerslake,  Murl  Jones,  Dave Muck  and  daughter  Sandra,  Ken  Roberts  and  Toni  and  the Reno’s who drove their “53” with a new paint job.   Looked beautiful!  Dave Dawson stopped by for the show without a car as he was in the area at a wedding.  Dave Muck took first place in his class with his Hawk.   Overall I would say it was a great zone meet and very well put on.  


SDC-NW Christmas Party, December 3, 2018

The 2018 annual Studebaker Christmas party was held at Libbie’s Restaurant in Milwaukie for a second year.  Twenty-one members attended and a few of those drove their Studebakers.  New member Tom Grimshaw(?) brought his 1950 Land Cruiser which is in beautiful condition and has only 13,000 original miles.  We enjoyed visiting, eating, and our traditional gift exchange.

Those in attendance were as follows:

1. Bob Williams
2. Phil and Jane Peters
3. Dana Scott
4. Jennifer Arnold
5. Dave and Sheila Muck
6. Ed and Lynn Holbrook
7. Sue Kerslake
8. Murl Jones

9. Jerry Andrews
10. Jerry Blount
11.Tom Grimshaw
12. Phil and Willa Gaffney
13. Winton and Maureen Jondahl
14. Bob Maker
15. Thom and Susan Prescott

Click thumbnails to see bigger pictures
Foliage Tour 2018

Phil's Fall Foliage Tour, October 20, 2018

Studebaker Drivers Club members and guests met at Fred Meyers, Cornelius Pass Rd. @ Hwy 26, at 11:00AM and departed at noon sharp for a tour of Coast Range backroads. SDC-NW member Phil Gaffney hosted the event, which ended with a potluck at the Gaffney home in Hillsboro featuring sausage/kraut & chili, with guests bringing side dishes and desserts. Follow this link to see pictures of the event.

Studebaker Lineup at Bomber Tour

B – 17 TOUR

The tour to the B-17 museum and luncheon was Saturday September 22nd.  We had good weather just a few sprinkles while we were at lunch other wise it was a very pleasant day.  We started out at our meeting place at the Oregon City shopping center.  We toured together to the Flight Deck restaurant on McNary Field in Salem to have lunch.  We took up two floors at the restaurant for all of us.  Good food and good service.  After lunch we went to the  B-17 hanger / museum for a guided tour of the museum and plane.  It was very interesting to learn about how the B-17 played a very important part in helping us to win World War II.  The guides were very informative telling us all about the operations of the plane during the war and how the ten man crew operated the aircraft.  They also went into great detail of how they are restoring the plane.  This is a huge undertaking and a ten to fifteen year  commitment.  After the one and half hour tour a few of us went to Bauman’s Farm to view the gift shop and have some ice cream.  We had a total of thirty-four people and seventeen cars.  Out of the seventeen cars we had thirteen classics and four brand X’s.  This was a tour of three different car clubs, the Cascade Pacific Plymouth Club and two Studebaker chapters, the Willamette chapter and the North West chapter.  It was a lot of fun having all the clubs together and talking about activities of the different clubs.  I hope we can all do this again.  Thanks to all who could make the tour. Follow this link to see the pictures.


50 Years of SDC-NW, July 16, 2018

SDC-NW celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Studebaker Drivers Club - NW Chapter with a cruise and potluck on July, 2018 at Silver Falls State Park. Click on the picture or follow this link to see the rest of Ed Salia's photos.


3th Annual Portland International Raceway
Beaches Cruise In, Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Unlike last year’s temperature of around 100 degrees, this year our PIR event was blessed with mid 80’s weather and our normal location under the trees adjacent to the food, drinks, and band. We had 15 Studebakers, 3 other makes and 27+ people at our location. As in previous years we had many returning members but also a few Studebaker owners that were not members.

Dave and Pat Wagner showed up with their 1963 Avanti. He saw that the Studebakers were the featured car club on the Beaches website so decided to come. Also Ron from Vancouver came with his black ’53 Commander which had been previously owned by Chuck Moore and most recently Phil Peters. Ron was a very good friend of the original owner who had restored the ’53 and he is a regular at beaches.

Those in attendance were as follows:

1) Phil & Jane Peters
2) Keith & Kathy Reno & Mindy
3) Richard Glenn & Bert Boehm
4) Ron ?
5) Sue Kerslake
6) Al Johnston
7) Scott Hancock
8) Chuck Tubens
9) Bob Williams
10) Chuck Tubens
11) Dave Muck
12) Jerry Andrews
13) Murl Jones & Bill Barnell
14) Sam Bilyeu
15) Neil & Terrie Stone
16) Dave & Pat Wagner
17) Joe Crover
18) Dennis Jaeger
’65 Daytona
’82 Avanti & ’68 Dart
’47 M5
’53 Commander
’60 Lark
’62 Lark
’98 Harley
’60 Lark
Electric Mini Studebaker
’60 Lark
’64 Hawk
’50 Cruiser
’62 Wagon
’62 Hawk
’57 Golden Hawk
’63 Avanti
’53 Commander
’51 Convertible
Christmas party SDC-NW Christmas dinner, December 3, 2017
The holiday season was kicked off on Sunday with 23 SDC members and guests. We gathered for our annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange, this time at Libbie’s Restaurant in Milwaukie. There were two Studebakers driven to the party: Ed drove his yellow ’55 President and Sue and Murl came in her red Lark. It was a good time to get together, catch up and have an enjoyable time. Following dinner, we had a gift exchange for men and women. Sue brought a gift for either which caused some confusion.
Those in attendance were as follows:
1. Ed Sallia
2. Phil and Jane Peters
3. Dana Scott
4. Jennifer Arnold and her niece
5. Dave and Sheila Muck
6. Ed and Lynn Holbrook
7. Sue Kerslake
9. Jerry and Lynn Andrews
10. Jerry Blount
11. Steve O’Neil
12. Phil and Willa Gaffney
13. Alice McGrew
14. Bob Maker
15. Thom and Susan Prescott
16. Chuck Tubens
We missed those who were unable to attend and especially Bob and Carolyn Williams.
Follow this link to see more pictures.
Phall Pholiage Phil's Pall Pholiage Phollies, October 21, 2017, was a wet one this year. The North West Studebaker Drivers Club annual tour had 13 cars & 18 people brave a very wet tour of western Washington County into the coast mountain range.They were rewarded with a fall color show of beautiful leaves as these pictures show. Willia Murphy and I hosted the tour. I could not have done it without all her help.Thanks to all the members for showing up we really appreciate them getting out in the rain and making the tour a success. Willia Murphy also took all the pictures, a very nice Job. Follow this link to see more pictures.
Presidents Tour 2017

President's Tour/IDYSD, September 9, 2017
The group met at Oregon City Shopping Center at 10:00AM, and left at 10:30 for the President's Tour of the Oregon countryside.

Ed Sallia took pictures. Follow this link to see the day's photos.



This year was the 45th annual Forest Grove Concours d Elegance and the Studebaker Drivers Club was invited to put on a display of our vehicles. This is not a judged class but rather a display only area of the various vehicles that Studebaker produced.

Sunday, July 16th was a great day with mid 70’s temperatures. Over 6,000 people attended the show which had a record 362 cars appearing. We had a nice location in a shaded area which was heavily visited by many of the attendees.

We had selected 11 stock vehicles from our area that represented the wide range of vehicles that Studebaker produced while in the automobile business.

Below are listed the cars and their owners that displayed their vehicles:

1) 1906 Wagon-Bob Wooldridge
2) 1916 Roadster-Al Johnston
3) 1938 Commander-John Bernhardt
4) 1950 Commander-Dave Dawson
5) 1952 Truck-Scott Hancock
6) 1951 Starlite-Dennis Jaeger
7) 1954 Commander-Dave Vanderbout
8) 1960 Hawk-Phil Saunders
9) 1963 GT-Dave Muck
10) 1963 Avanti-Jay Bouse
11) 1965 Cruiser-Dave Andress

A lot of effort was put into the logistics, preparation and time spent at the show by these members and they are to be complemented on doing a great job.

See the photos of the Studebaker display

Ed Salia took 164 pictures at the Concours. See the gallery here!

Kerslake Celebration CELEBRATION OF BRUCE KERSLAKE'S LIFE, May 12, 2017
A funeral wasn’t really in the cards for SDC-NW member Bruce Kerslake, who died February 25. Bruce was a member of multiple car clubs, who joined in a cruise to one of Bruce’s favorite spots, Nick’s Bar & Grill, in Amboy, WA, on May 12 for a celebration of his life. In addition to SDC-NW, Bruce belonged to Cascade Pacific Plymouth Club, WPC (Chrysler) Pacific Wonderland chapter, a local club for American Motors enthusiasts, and others. Sue Kerslake coordinated a slide show and display of photos from the years when the couple were hiking and skiing enthusiasts. About three dozen friends attended, and Studebakers appeared to outnumber the other rigs in the parking lot.
… See the pictures!
Bobs Red Mill Tour

It was one of those cold rainy days but did we have a good turn out for the tour-twenty people.  We met at Mall 205 and toured to Bob’s manufacturing building in Milwaukie.  We were greeted by Christie Coykendall who was our tour guide.  She gave us a tour of his manufacturing plant and explained the grinding of the grains and the packaging of the product.  She also explained his product line and gave us the history of his company.  After the tour we drove to his retail store and restaurant where we viewed his products and had a very nice lunch in his restaurant.  Rob, the food manager, had a reserved area for us to sit in.  Everyone had a good time enjoying some of Bob’s products and a very tasty lunch. 
… See the pictures!

Here is a list of the people attending:
Bob Williams                            1963 Cruiser
Bob Maker                                 Brand  X
Dave & Sheila Muck                1963 GT Hawk
Dave & Eileen McLean           Brand  X
Al & Trisha Johnston              Brand  X
Jerry & Lynn Andrews            1950 Champion
Dana Scott                                 1962 Cruiser
Phil & Jane Peters                    1971 Ply Duster
Scott Hancock                           1952 2R5 Pickup
Rodger Eddy                              Chevy Station Wagon
Jerry Blount                               1961 Lark
Phil Saunders                            1960 Hawk
Lynn Holbrook                          Brand  X
Katharyn Wells                         Brand  X
Wayne Limbaugh                     Brand  X

Crab Dinner Group

What a wonderful time we had.! The weather was great. So good to see the sun and no snow or ice.  We had the largest turnout for this event that we have ever had.  We filled the Stamp Building.  We set the dinner tables up in the main part of the building and set the food up in the side room.  We served forty-eight dinners and had a lot of nice potluck dishes and plenty of desserts.  All of the people seemed to enjoy them selves.  They started arriving between 1:30 and 2:00pm.  Plenty of time to sit and talk to friends.  The dinner was served at 3:00pm.  A short announcement and the history of the dinner was told.  This event has been going on since the early “80’s”and is one of the most attended events of the club.  The list of the attends. … See the pictures!

Phil Saunders   Dave & Sheila Muck          John & Lori Mueller
Bob Maker           Scott & Diana Hancock      David Jr. & Lori Muck
Tom Hart             Al & Debbie Belanger         Dale Hall & Donna
Murl Jones           Jim Blackford                        Bill & Carla Barnell
Brent Hagen       Phil & Jane Peters                John & Jean Lasseter
James Doane      Bob & Carolyn Williams    Keith & Kathy Reno
Jerry Blount       Phil Gaffney & Daughter    Bert & Richard
Dana Scott          Chuck Tubens & Niece       Bruce & Sue Kerslake   
Thom Prescott  Jerry Andrews                      Lynn Holbrook & Friend

Foliage thumb Fall Foliage Tour, October 22, 2016
The NW chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club hosted a Fall Foliage Tour on Saturday October 22. Five Studebakers, four Plymouths, a Dodge, an Imperial and a Buick Roadmaster gathered at Cathedral Park (8676 N. Crawford Street) on the north end of the St. Johns Bridge at the foot of N. Baltimore Ave. at 9:30 AM, and departed at 10 for a scenic drive through reasonably pleasant weather and colorful fall leaves. Rodger and Jan Eddy led group west on St. Helens Road, uphill via Rocky Point Road to Skyline Blvd, down Logie Trail, at out to Hillsboro via Cornelius Pass Road. The tour ended at the Cruise In Country Diner (9785 SW River Road, Hillsboro) for lunch. We were joined by members of Cascade Pacific Plymouth Club. Photos are courtesy of Jim Wheat, Bruce Kerslake and Phil Peters. … See the pictures!
President Tour thumb President's Tour, September 24, 2016
The weather turned out to be cool and a little foggy but no rain.  It gave us some very unique views of the West Hills with the sun shining through the fog.  After some Krispy Kreme donuts, we started the tour in NW Portland, and proceeded out over the West Hills to Old Germantown road … Read More
Canby Cruise-In Canby Cruise-In, August 27, 2016
The Studebaker Club and friends met at Oregon City Shopping Center for the drive out to Canby for this event that has become a tradition with the club. … Read more
Ape Cave Thumb On Saturday, October 10, 2015, Bruce Kerslake led a tour to Ape Cave, on the south flank of Mt. St. Helens. The Studebaker Drivers Club, the Cascade Pacific Plymouth Club, the Rose City Rambler AMC Club, and the Walter P. Chrysler Club were all invited. At 13,042 feet, Ape Cave is the third longest lava tube in North America. …Read More
Christmas Party thumb The Ambridge Event Center in downtown east side Portland was the location again this year for our yearly Christmas party on Sunday, December 6th. There were thirty five of us celebrating together in a large room that was decorated with a big Christmas tree and little Christmas trees on each table. … Read More
Covered Bridge 174 SDC-NW held their Covered Bridge Tour on November 7, 2015. Ed Sallia led the way, planning enough food- and coffee-stops to keep everybody happy. … Read more
NW Overdrive thumb

This year’s 2015 NW Overdrive was held in Bellingham, WA and sponsored by the Whatcom County Studebaker Drivers Club. Studebakers were driven from as far as Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and one even shipped his beautiful GT Hawk from Hawaii.

Members of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Antique Studebaker Club, and the Avanti Club attending with their beautiful cars and trucks made this a Big Studebaker Family Event! … Read More

Movies Thumb Studebaker Night at the Movies
The movie for the night was ET and the weather was perfect, so was the popcorn.
Follow the link to see Ed Sallia's photo gallery… Read More
Beaches Thumb

Beaches at PIR: On Wednesday afternoon, 8/5/15, we had 22 Studebakers brave the rush hour traffic to get to PIR off I-5. They were rewarded with mild 70 degree weather, which felt wonderful after over 4 weeks of 90-100 degree days. We were again the featured car club for the evening, so we enjoyed the shade under the trees adjacent to the food, drinks and band. … Read More

Train Thumb
Saturday April 25th was our train ride event.

Besides our Studebaker participants, the Plymouth Club joined us. Plus, there was a large group from HACO (Historic Automobile Club of Oregon). We didn't get a total head count but we probably had about 60 people in our group.

We boarded the train at Oaks Park for the 1:00 PM ride. We were a big group, and there were two birthday party groups on board, so the train was full. We did all get seated for the 15 minute trip to the Oregon Rail Heritage Center. … Read More
PT 658 February 21, 2015
A year ago we had to cancel our planned tour of PT 658 because of snow and ice. That weather was only a distant memory today as we enjoyed a rescheduled tour on a beautiful, sunny and even warm day. Eleven Studebakers and 24 people participated in the tour. We started at the Lloyd Center Cinema parking lot and did a short tour to Swan Island where PT 658 is located in a large boathouse in the shipyard repair dock.  …Read More
Volcano thumb The Volcano Tour on October 11, 2014, captured the attention of two SDC-NW photographers.

Follow this link to Bruce Kerslake's gallery.
Follow this link to Ed Sallia's gallery.

Studebaker Day at the Races, July 26, 2014
Saturday, July 26th was our 15th annual display of Studebakers at River City Speedway in St. Helens, OR. We had a record turnout of 22 Studebakers. As always, there was a lot of interest in our cars by the race attendees. …Read More

This page modified 25 September 2016

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Our Seventh Annual Orphan Car Meet was on June 20, 2015:
    Award Winners, Official Photos, Photo Gallery and a Report